Vin Diesel Expects Oscar For Furious 7?


Furious 7 actor Vin Diesel has claimed that he thinks the upcoming movie will win ‘Best Picture’ at the Oscars.

The sequel which stars Diesel with Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez, Jason Statham and the late Paul Walker has never had any movie in its franchise be nominated for an Oscar, let alone win

“Universal is going to have the biggest movie in history with this movie. It will probably win Best Picture at the Oscars, unless the Oscars don’t want to be relevant ever. This will win Best Picture. There is nothing that will ever come close to the power of this thing. We were successful in one-upping the action sequences, and adding an interesting dynamic to the world. But what the world won’t anticipate is how emotionally powerful the movie is. The head of the studio, Ron Meyer, often said when Fast 5 or Fast 6 came out, if there was no number attached to these movies, they would be contenders for Best Picture and when people see Furious 7, they are going to agree.” (Vin Diesel to Variety)