What is Making “Isle of Dogs” so Popular?

“Isle of Dogs” is an animated comedy produced and directed by Wes Anderson. Despite being animated, it is a story that is attracting both adults and children alike, with its wit, touching moments and clever storyline. Critics are saying it is a typical work of Wes Anderson at his best, using his minute attention to

Scene Missing From Star Wars?

The most recent Star Wars movie was an instant success with it introducing lots of brand new characters to sink our teeth into, but there was obviously lots of storyline to cram into a short amount of time. There was one particular scene which was edited out according to Director, J.J. Abrams. “That was a

Star Wars Hitting Another Milestone?

We all know it’s not going to dethrone Avatar as the highest-grossing movie of all time, but the most recent Star Wars film has still made a stupid amount of money, and continues to do so. At the domestic box office, it added another $10 million over the weekend, and should cross another huge milestone